So let's keep playing

So let's keep playing

Times like this, indeed. 2020 is a rupture year. Local markets are imploding, economies are in the brink of collapse. The spectacle of politics seems to offer no solution but only adds to the reigning chaos and uncertainty. There are reasons to be careful, stay put and keep a certain distance, but there’s also a need to take risks, break through and come closer together as a community. Together, we are stronger than the sum of our individual efforts.

A few weeks ago I picked up the Adbusters magazine at the American Bookstore on Sławkowska st. and came across this short and powerful message from Adbusters Media Foundation co-founder Kalle Lasn. The text would’ve remained an inspiring allegory about resilience in times of crisis, but given its musical nature, it had a deeper resonance.

Since the beginning of lockdown in Kraków and the general shutdown of Polish society due to the pandemic, I’ve found myself before an empty music stand improvising a tune that I know I will never master on my own. Luckily, I wasn’t alone “on stage”. Today, despite some hesitations, I trust a gust of inspiration will bring in the missing notes from somewhere and someone so that the music never ends. So let’s keep playing

— Juan M Sarabia Gutiérrez on Krakow Music Blog

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