Cognitive Dissonance

I installed several sculptures in London Friday 2 December night.

The first on top of a Mansion House is a child with a gas mask. It is an 8-year old child, sitting down with his gas mask on. This work is made of resin and is life-size. This sculpture is to attract our attention to the fragility of our planet and how important it is to take care of it so that we can carry on breathing the air around us.

I also installed some red CCTV cameras. The idea here is to remind us how banal surveillance has become. Let’s ask ourselves the question of who is the odd one out, the red cameras or the others? And have we really come to accept this surveillance?

And then there is the red football, set on the foot of George Peabody’s sculpture, which questions whether in the future we will remember the fun of the 2022 Football World Cup or the scandal of the climate impact and the cost of human life.

James Colomina, Street Artist

Instagram: @jamescolomina

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