Buy Nothing Day 2018

Adbusters presents:

Escape the barcode

Something wicked this way comes!

Black Friday and the powers that be are urging us to get out there and spend ‘til we can’t spend no more.

Black Friday
[blak frahy-dey]


  1. People trampling each other to buy stuff, the day after being thankful for what they have


black friday chaos
black friday chaos close up
But this year, we’re not getting sucked into their evil, doomsday ritual! When the existential threat of climate change breathes down our necks, and EXTINCTION REBELLIONS break out everywhere, millions of us around the world will opt out of Black Friday shopping and go on a 24 hour consumer fast instead!Bake them a cake, write them a poem, give them a kiss, tell them a joke, but for god’s sake stop thrashing the planet to tell someone you care. All it shows is that you don’t.
— George Monbiot
And if you do buy a present then, go local, go indie . . . don’t get sucked into the corpo-consumerist doomsday machine!
the only brand you can't live without

In the face of climate catastrophe, will we spend our Friday at a shopping mall, sinking ever deeper into the pits of consumption?


This year, we all Ignore Black Friday!!!

Join us on November 23rd (November 24th if you live outside North America) to celebrate the art of living lightly . . .  find out what it feels like to go cold turkey on consumption for 24 hours . . . halfway through the day you might just have a life-changing epiphany!

2018s Buy Nothing Day also falls on a full moon, which marks the second celebration of our digital-era tradition, #moonstruck. If you’re up for the challenge, go cold turkey on shopping and tech throughout the entire day.

moonstruck (Rachel Pozivenec)
Rachel Pozivenec

And when night dawns and the moon is full, get moonstruck with some friends and do something wild!

Here are some ways you can participate in Buy Nothing Day:

Credit Card Cut-Ups

Set up a table in your local shopping mall—all you need is a pair of scissors and a sign, offering passers-by a simple service: freedom from extortionate interest rates and mounting debt with a single considerate cut.

Zombie Walk

Follow the logic of capitalist consumption to its inevitable, cannibalistic conclusion: wander the malls as the walking dead.


Congregate a crew of friends and drive your empty shopping carts around in a long, inexplicable conga line. Without ever buying anything, of course.

Literally Buy Nothing

There are two ways to do this. One: stay home, eat leftovers, and drink the last of the beer from the fridge with your friends. Throw a game of cards in the mix. Two: gather your friends and hit the shops to stand in line, and when you get to the cashier, have them ring through the product you are NOT holding because you are buying NOTHING. Don’t forget to say thank you!

visa cut up

Download our Buy Nothing Day posters—plaster your local shopping mall with them. Cover your neighbourhood with Buy Nothing Day images, spread them all over social media, email them to your friends, family, co-workers, and classmates. Tell the world to do NOTHING this November 23rd!

And . . .

. . . Off the after-glow of your shopping-boycott extravaganza, swoop into December with a renewed holiday spirit. Now you can prepare for #BuyNothingXmas—by doing nothing! Feel the holiday stress melt away . . .

buy nothing day santa

#BuyNothingDay Reflections

While the West has been in a war on feeling, we’ve been rallying together through shared emotions, examining why consumer Culture is so unsettling to so many of us.

So we asked our Instagram community, “In the spirit of #BuyNothingDay, what do you FEEL?”

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Come with us for a journey of a lifetime.

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