April Fools' Gets Political

Oh, April Fools’ Day.
It’s been a long run of hoodwinkery,
funny pranks, and practical gags.

But this year could see a centuries old tradition morph into a powerful wave of antics — pranks with a political thrust.

Remember when Michel Camdessus, director of the IMF, was cream-pied in 2000?

Or the Iraqi journalist who threw both his shoes at George W. Bush in 2008?

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich got a cracker-box full of glitter dumped on him in 2011, to shouts of “Feel the rainbow, Newt! Stop the hate! Stop anti-gay politics!”

Of course Eggboy, the 17-year-old Australian, cracked an egg on Senator Fraser Anning’s head just last week.

This April Fools’ Day may morph into a global wave of politically-charged pranksterism. It may change the course of jokester history . . .

When our politicians, CEOs,
and leaders act like fools,
why not treat them like clowns?

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