How much plastic is coming out of the Industrial bunghole annually?

Economists do the research and spitball a number. Say it’s a trillion tons. Then they come up with their best estimate of the environmental price we pay for our clogged garbage dumps, polluted oceans and the shitspray of plastic microbeads pulsing through our food chain — say it’s $500 per ton. Every manufacturer, corporation and retailer that uses plastic in their business will be required to account for that. Maybe it’s a surcharge of 25 cents on every bottle of Coke. Coca Cola can’t take a hit like that on their margin. They’ll have to change their business model. Likewise, the automobile industry will have to redesign their cars. Food producers will have to adapt.

The cost of living will go up, and that’ll hurt. But plastic packaging will gradually disappear from our lives. We’ll buy our milk in glass bottles and bring them in for recycling like we used to. We’ll wash our plates, knives and forks and use them year after year, some for a lifetime. The garbage gyres in the oceans will shrink and finally disappear. Blight will vanish from beaches and ravines. Microplastics will stop plugging the tissues of every mammal including us. And the horror of bringing up our children in a world awash in plastic will be over.

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