Friends, comrades, brothers, sisters

It won’t take an army — a guerrilla battalion of a few hundred of us creatives will be enough to provide the critical spark for a wider insurrection.

Through trial and error and collaborative refinement, entertaining all and dismissing nothing, we will engender a steady stream of memes and stories, videos and happenings, provocations and pranks that articulate the absurd, indifferent, cold-blooded unsustainability of it all; the perversity of a system that thrives on the death of nature and the scored backs of future generations.

Then we will ignite an effigy of that dead schema. Among renewing flames, our ideas, too, will take to fire. Sequestered lightning will come uncorked, each forking bolt unleashing a tempest amid the false azure of the sleeping mind. Hundreds will grow to thousands; thousands will grow to millions. Wave after paradigm-shifting wave of cognitive dissonance — portents of life-affirming epiphanies; of devastating moments of truth — will crash upon apathetic shores. Meme by meme, protest by protest, mindbomb by mindbomb, we will dismantle the bonds of our mental subjugation and point towards a revitalizing vision of our future — new ways to live, love and think — a redemptive agenda for planet Earth.

It won’t take an army to spark the global mind shift. If a few hundred of us dedicated mavericks get together, we can change the aesthetics of taste and desire forever.

the Black Spot Collective at

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